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DCC's support to asylum seekers

Mike Jones

By Jason Thomas-Fournillier

Hello, dear reader, my name is Jason Thomas-Fournillier. I'm a LGBTQ person seeking asylum here in the UK from the Southern Caribbean Island of Trinidad & Tobago. I arrived in Doncaster in 2019 and I was referred to Doncaster Conversation Club through Pafras, my previous charitable organisation when I resided in Leeds. The assistance that has been given to me since arriving to Doncaster four years has been an absolute blessing.

Through various senior advisors and volunteers of DCC I have gotten through very trying turbulent times in my asylum claim process. From giving me information on my epilepsy and mental health, to training courses in voluntary work and leadership programmes; being a third party to talk to on anti-social behaviour issues that occurred at my accommodation, to giving me information and referrals to food banks within the environs of Doncaster when my asylum support fall short at times of my daily living standards.

The services and the activities provided by DCC also have fostered social inclusivity for persons seeking asylum as myself with the Doncaster communities.

It shows in their dedication to help all persons seeking asylum through the process and road blocks they will face in the process.

DCC has guided me through so much in my asylum claim process, I pay it forward in my voluntary work with the refugee communities.

I would like to thank to all the donors and volunteers at Doncaster Conversation Club for their compassion and dedication to the greater good they do in helping assist DCC in their mandate that all persons and refugees seeking asylum are welcomed here.

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